Stay in the Know
Starting in January. 1/8/24
Pellet gun shoot.
Silhouette and paper targets, pistols and rifles.
Monday's at 6:30pm. Runs every Monday night until the first week of April.
Adults $3.00 Kids FREE!
Safety glasses are required by all!
Indoor Archery Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 pm. Come check out the new range. Broad-head or cutting tip arrows CANNOT be used. Special targets are provided. The event is open to both members and non-members. The cost is $3.
Senior and life membership info.
To be a senior: $10 (newsletter is incorrect)
Be a member for 10 years Before turning 65
To be a life:
Be a member for 15 years before turning 65
Some long time members will go directly to
life from regular membership and skip senior at 65

Trap Shoots
Monday nights starting May 6th @ 6:00pm.
Come on down and see the new PATTrap machine.
Shoots open to non members!